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tv   The Bush Years Family Duty Power  CNN  March 31, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> . >> as one bush leaves the white house, another sets his sights on washington. >> i'm running for president of the united states. >> the road back to power is anything but smooth. >> this is still too close to call. >> i have chose tone recuse myself from the election recount. >> once in power, the new president faces unprecedented challenges. from enemies, both new and old. >> terrorism will not stand. >> as president bush declares
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another war with iraq, he razz a familiar enemy clearly in his sights.h a familiar enemy clearly in his sighta a familiar enemy clearly in his sights a familiar enemy clearly in his sights.
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>> it's a rhett letter day for george w. bush. his new ballpark for his texas rangers opens and it's the house that george built. >> it's the most fabulous place to watch baseball ever built. >> with the texas rangers, he elevates his own profile even further and provides ultimately a great platform for him to launch his own political career. >> fans would come up to my dad every game and say are you going to run for governor? there was some sort of momentum and encouragement by strangers wanting him to run. >> let's make it official. i'm a candidate for governor of texas. >> george doesn't have elected office experience himself and he's only run once in 1978 for a house of representatives seat, which he lost.
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>> i appreciate you guys. thanks so much. >> bush is up against ann richards, a democrat in a state that traditionally votes democrat. >> they said don't do it. you are not going to win. ann richards is too popular. >> george w gives it back to her and said thanks for your advice, mom. i'll let you know when i need it. >> we are talking about chicken manure. >> we were out there having fun and we were on a mission. he had ideas for the state and wanted to talk about the ideas. >> the ground game. >> george w is not the only bush trying to make it in politics. jeb is running in florida, a state also governed by's democrat. >> i'm a candidate for governor
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not because i'm george bush's son. i'm the candidate because i'm george and noelle and jeb's father. >> all the jebs running for governor the florida. he served as secretary of commerce and was active in politics in miami and i thought he was going to be a shoe in. >> character and integrity. >> jeb is contemplative and thoughtful and brilliant and a little bit shy and reserved. >> did you want to respond to the question of the day? >> no. >> he's not just just not warm and fuzzy. george is outgoing, fun, very bright and quick. >> i see texas as a state of risk takers, job providers and dreamers. >> people love it. >> jeb bush is a little annoyed that his brother decided to run
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for the governor of texas. jeb didn't want attention changed to the bush brothers. he wants to be his own man. >> the sibling rivalry between george w and jeb is subtle. they are not trying to outdo the other. it's a peck order. jeb is a family favorite in terms of political ambitions. >> in terms of policy, both are conservative. against regulation and for tax cuts. >> i want to be your governor so every child can receive an excellent education. >> george w. bush was focussed on education and immigration where he was very liberal and thought mexican immigrants, latin american immigrants were a huge asset to the state of texas. >> it's time to start having a fresh approach. >> jeb bush is a hard conservative in his campaign. >> bush is willing to listen to adderall ideas like sending prisoners to mexico.
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>> he is far, far to the right than his father or his brother. >> but george and jeb's ambition for a life on the public stage are not shared by their wives. >> when george decides he wants to run for governor of texas, laura bush worries about her daughters and the impact it will have on them. >> george has been very engaged as a father. >> she makes a deal with george. she will not go out on the com pain trail herself and he has to be home each evening to help her with the twin girls. >> she was not thrilled by jeb's exposure. she knew she was marrying a political family, but didn't want to be a public figure herself. >> she is determined to make sure that jeb bush had the tools he needed to be successful. >> the race for governor in texas continues neck and neck.
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not what pundits would have expected. >> george w. bush went at it aggressively and one thing he learned was be very texan and the 10-gallon hat came out and the boots came out. the texas twang was very pronounced. >> of all my brothers, george was the only one born outside of texas and the most texan, by far, by attitude and talk and swagger. it worked. >> in line with the national swing against bill clinton's democrats. the people of texas give george w. bush a comfortable victory. >> what texans can dream, texans can live. >> while one brother runs away with the prize, the other comes up short.
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>> jeb ended up losing and george won against an invincible governor turned my personal expectations upside down. >> george w, the governor-elect gets a congratulations call from his father while he is celebrating in his hotel suite in austin. >> hearsay father is congratulating his oldest son, but it's clear there is conflict in his voice. >> it's not that he wasn't thrilled george got it. he was. they were very disappointed that jeb didn't because he worked so hard for so long and missed out. >> my heartaches for florida and my boy over there and i'm very proud of the one here. >> the positions had been reversed. the supposed best politician in the family, jeb, who was tagged for the presidency had ho to
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take a back seat to george. ♪ ♪ do you love me? ♪ ♪ i can really move ♪ ♪ do you love me? ♪ i'm in the groove ♪ now do you love me? ♪ do you love me ♪ now that i can dance? ♪ watch me now! ♪ work, work, ah work it out baby ♪ applebee's 3 course meal starting at $11.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. alrightygreat!guys are almost all set. sounds good! honey, while you finish up here, i'll grab us some coffee. ok. ♪ (music stops) ready to go? but... i... ♪ getting a volkswagen during the sign then drive event.
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for strength and energy! whoo-hoo! great-tasting ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure, for strength and energy. look for savings in your weekly paper. i george walker bush do solemnly swear. >> with his family looking on, george w. bush is sworn in as the 46th governor of texas. >> my uncle loved everything about being the governor of texas. he walks into a room and has energy that just naturally makes him the center of attention. >> she someone who has great personal charm. he was able to establish the kind of relationships with democratic leaders in a way that i had never seen in the state of texas.
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>> subjects on which he campaigned, education, welfare, criminal justice became law in his first session of the texas legislature. >> my mom had been a teacher and so i think that being the first lady of texas provide her an opportunity to work on issues that she cared about, like education, like literacy. >> it's important to make sure our children's reading hours are greater than their tv-watching hours. >> she begins to press some of her ideas on her husband. >> we are in it together. are you ready? >> actually members of the texas legislature told me they always had a laura bush bill. they were quietly working on it. >> in florida, jeb bush prepares to run for governor again. >> when jeb lost 1994, in a way it was a blessing in disguise.
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it made him more humble. he worked at it and he didn't take anything for granted. >> four years later, george bush is a kinder, gentler republican. >> jeb decided to modify things and goes after the african-american vote and decides he's going to open up a charter school in the heart of the african-american community in miami. >> on election day, both sons face the voters again. >> it's a huge night. >> i think we're winning. >> may i introduce to you the next governor of florida, jeb bush! >> when jeb is finally elected to the governorship of florida,
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his father called it the happiest day of his life. >> jeb got out for years and george and barbara had enormous admiration for jeb to come up the way he did. >> the work begins tomorrow. thank you very much. >> i want to say something to the newly elected governor of florida. good going, brother. >> george w. bush wins a landslide victory in texas, making him and jeb the first siblings to govern two states simultaneously since the rockefellers in the 1960s. many republicans already believed that george is destined for higher office. >> the texas bush name, money, so much he blirings to the tabl. he was at the top of the list. >> i have not made the decision to run for president or not to run for president.
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>> george had served just one term as governor of texas. his father had been in politics for over 25 years by the time he successfully ran for president. >> george w. felt a sense of competition with his father. he was only 20 years younger and he thought he could compete with his father. i can do that if he can do it. >> but the decision for george to seek the presidency is a very difficult one. he knows the toll it will take on his family, particularly his twin girls, barbara and jenna. >> we were scared about the idea of him running for president. we told him he was going to lose. we told him he was going to ruin our life, while both sobbing uncontrollably because we knew if he were to run and he were to win, our version of normal would
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change very dramatically. >> george w. said he feels like a cork in a raging river. there is thunderous pressure for him to throw his hat in the ring and to try to succeed his father in the oval office. >> on the morning of his inauguration for a second term as governor, bush and his family visit the methodist church he attends and he is fretting over whether or not he should run for president. >> i was sitting in the church and it was a powerful sermon and the pastor talked about giving each person $86,400 and you had to spend it today. you could use it or lose it. he was not talking about money, he was talking about money. that's how many seconds you had in the day. it was a call to academies and a rousing rise to the challenge. >> barbara looks up and mouths
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to her son, he's talking about you. >> i think that sermon was a powerful moment for governor bush as he was considering a race for president. >> of course it fits very neatly with the bush idea that they are not pursuing ambition, they are serving the public and he's answering a call rather than trying to just inan election. >> george w. bush believes he has a purpose, a plan. this is his destiny. what does help for heart failure look like? it looks like george having a busy day. ♪ the beat goes on george has entresto, a heart failure medicine that helps his heart... so he can keep on doing what he loves.
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i have come here to tell you today this. i'm running for president of the united states. there is no turning back. i intend to be the next president of the united states. >> only seven years after his father lost the presidency, george w. bush announces his intention to run for the white house. >> i will give it my best shot and speak from my heart and talk about a hopeful tomorrow. i will talk about uniting the country. if it works out, i'm ready. if it doesn't work out, me and
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the old boy will spend a lot of time fishing together. >> initially there was debate about whether we should go and do a family thing. that was one of the arguments against george bush. >> i think they want to take a couple of questions. >> his father is there and his presidential flight jacket gets in front of his son announcing his candidacy and answers his question. it's like he gets to be president for a few minutes and he must be thinking damn it, dad. get out of the picture! >> on the one hand, he thinks his father is a great man and was a great president, but they said otherwise. lots of people say george w. bush does things differently.
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>> the republican party of the noticed late 1990s believed in neoreaganism. ideology is the way to go and you have to be ideological to succeed. in that environment, george w. bush had to be both loyal to his father and ronald reagan. on issue after issue, george w. rejects his father's policy as president. his father has responsibly raised taxes. george w. bush is going to cut those taxes. >> i laid out a very aggressive tax cut plan. >> his father associated himself with the separation of church and state. george w. wants faith-based initiatives and wants to integrate church and state. >> we're all people in god's eyes. >> he's different and making it clear he is different. >> george w. bush surrounds himself with many of the people
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who worked for his father. he chooses dick cheney who served has his father's secretary of defense as his running mate. >> he was looking for somebody who would be a major player in his administration, not just somebody who was going to do funerals and fund raisers. that was persuasive. i was not looking to be the typical run-of-the-mill vice president. >> bush wants colin powell who was his father's chairman of the joint chiefs of staff to be his secretary of state. >> let us show discipline here. >> i felt comfortable in endorsing him and told everybody he was the right person to run the country and believed i could work with him if i went into government with him. not just him i was thinking of. it was the whole family. >> fellow republicans, fellow americans, let's elect george w. bush and dick cheney! thank you very much and god bless america!
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>> at the convention, george w. bush bates the vietnam war hero, john mccain, to become the republican presidential candidate. >> mr. chairman, delegates and my fellow citizens, i proudly accept your nomination. >> george w. bush is ready to take on the fight with the democratic nominee. clinton's vice president, al gore. >> there the powerful. we are for the people. >> both al gore and george w. bush had liabilities. a lot of people didn't think that highly of in terms of his experience, in terms of his intelligence. >> he was a shockingly bad speaker. >> we will knock down the toll booth of the road of the tax code we have today. >> a lot of people found al gore
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unlikable and part of a scandalized administration. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. >> after the monica lewinsky scandal, george w. bush represented a good christian values and someone happily married and someone who you are not going to read about in the scandal sheets. >> his father campaigned under the platform of a kinder, gentler nation. george w. bush campaigns under a platform of conservatism. >> washington doesn't have to be a place of bitterness and acrimony. >> here came across with a kinder, gentler content that played well with the public. >> there is a danger in agreeing the federal government too big. >> here believed in limit government control and strong families. >> we want you to make decisions for yourself. >> he had an optimistic vision
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about immigration. he was a different kind of republican and reshaped the vision of what republicans were all about. >> thank you all for coming! >> george w. bush also has the likability fact onnor. . >> what you see is what you get. they felt that connection with him. >> my brother, george w. bush, the next president of the united states. >> we did focus groups early on in the campaign and people said i'm with gore on his economic and social security plan. they checked nine out of 10 boxes for gore. we said if you went to a bar and had beers with either one, who would it be? unanimous, george bush. >> good evening and welcome to what promises to be a long and exciting night. >> by election day, neither side has a strong lead. >> the election night was very dramatic. we were with our entire huge family. eagerly awaiting the results.
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>> it becomes clear as the night goes on that it's coming down to florida. >> just two years after his victory in 1998, jeb bush has one job. that is to get his brother elected president. he has to win florida. >> i'll never forget the anxiety in the room that night as the results were coming in. >> jeb kept looking at his phone and wondering how florida is coming along. the entire bush family believes that florida is easily going into george's column. that's not how it worked out. >> there is still no clear winner and still votes to be counted in florida and beyond. >> little did we know there would be weeks and months before we would know who was going to be president of the united states. everyone's got to listen to mom.
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a big call to make. cnn announces that we call florida in the al gore column. >> on election night, reports are suggesting the race is going in al gore's favor.
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>> this is a roadblock the size of a boulder to george w. bush's path to the white house. >> the projections for florida appear to be premature. >> while al gore appears to have won the popular vote, the battle for electoral votes remains undecided. >> behind the scenes, it is getting really contentious and people are really confused. jeb bush starts calling officials to figure out what's going on. >> at 2:16 a.m. >> george bush, governor of texas won florida's 25 electoral votes and this should put him over the top. >> there is no more ecstatic moment than the moment that the television stations announce you are the projected winner. we all went crazy. >> al gore calls george w. bush and he concedes defeat and bush calls gore a good man, and
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that's it. >> but there is no public concession from gore. >> going over is what i said to my wife. it just didn't feel right. sure enough, gore then changed his mind. >> it turns out that people in the gore team are thinking to themselves this is way too close to call. this is not over. so then gore calls bush and says circumstances have changed. >> you are doing what? al gore was calling to retract his concession. >> bush said my brother said the state of florida is mine. gore says, you're little brother doesn't get to determine who wins florida and who is the president. >> time kind of froze for everybody. wait, what's this? how can this be possible?
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it was like suddenly you are on the top of the mountain and falling off the cliff. that's what it felt like. >> the contested result comes down to florida, where bush's lead is so narrow that under state law, a recount is required. lawyers for both teams descend on the state and a lengthy recount battle ensues. >> jeb bush is now in a very difficult position. >> to ensure there is not the slightest appearance of a conflict of interest, i have chosen to recuse myself from serving on the elections canvassing commission. >> he publicly tries to standoff to the side as much as possible. that doesn't stop the people around him from being intimately involved in the election results. >> there was a suspicion, certainly among democrats, but others as well that there was not a level playing field and jeb bush, governor of florida, would finagle the results and
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ensure his is brother won. >> heading the bush legal team and his family friend and former secretary of state, james baker. >> some people in the press were criticizing george bush for challenging an election and our position was wait a minute, we are not challenging the election. we were preserving the result. we were never behind in the count. never. >> for 35 days, the country is in suspense. what is florida going to do? >> the recount is bogged down in legal issues with both sides challenging the process in florida's courts. >> that was a real merry go round. we never knew from day to day whether we were going to win a lawsuit. there was a lot of lawsuits. >> the bush legal people figured out that their best chance of winning this battle is to do it in the federal courts.
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>> with florida in stalemate, the bush team wins their bid for the case to be referred to the u.s. supreme court. >> cnn has just learned that the u.s. supreme court has reached a decision. >> on december 12th, the court rules in bush's favor. >> this is indeed a victory for george w. bush in florida. as we all know, that would mean of course that would give george bush the presidency. >> the supreme court voted 5-4 with the five republicans voting for bush. i think it was a partisan decision. >> and they are lying in bed watching television. the phone rings and karl rove said you should have the on because you are the president of the united states. >> good evening. just moments ago, i spoke with george w. bush and congratulated
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him on becoming the 43rd president of the united states. >> naturally when bush was told, he fought back to election night when he hoped to declare that he was president before thousands of cheering fans in texas. this was a little different. >> dick and i and andy tomorrow will be continuing to discuss both the transition and the set up at the white house. >> we never got to properly celebrate the win. and by the way, it created a huge handicap for george w. bush to start his presidency. huh a large number of people in this country who didn't think he was the legitimate president. ♪ she's doing it again. no cover up spray here...
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please raise your right hand and repeat after me. i george walker bush do solemnly swear. >> i will faith flee execute the office of the president of the united states, so help me god. >> congratulations. >> for the first time since john quincy adams in 1825, a president's son reaches the white house. >> i know mom and dad expressed that even greater than being president is watching your own son as being sworn in as president.
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it was a joyful moment, but especially for mom and dad. >> there is that iconic photo where he goes to the oval office for the first time as president and his father joined him. his father said, hello, mr. president. and he said back to his father, hello, mr. president. it was an extraordinary day in that family. >> 6:50 a.m. and the president is already on his way to the west wing with first dogs, barney and spot. >> it was very much a domestic presidency at that point, focusing on his economic and domestic agenda and education reform and tax cuts. >> it protects taxpayers and protects children and represents compassionate conservatism. >> the first months were not very impressive. you got a sense of a guy who
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tries to find his sea legs and did not know what he was about. >> but the direction of push's presidency is about to take a dramatic turn. >> george w. bush was in florida at an elementary school. he was sitting reading my pet goat, when someone his chief of staff came and whispered in his ear and told him that america is under attack. >> that's a moment i will always remember. i have never seen that look on his face. i have never seen it before that moment and never seen it since that moment. >> here tries to maintain his composure and there with a bunch of school kids and doesn't want to alarm them and continues to read from this children's book and his eyes are flickering and his mind is moving a million miles an hour. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is a difficult moment for america.
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two airplanes have crashed into the world trade center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country. terrorism against our nation will not stand. >> bush echoes the words his father had used when iraq invaded kuwait. >> this will not stand. >> he's absolutely thinking back to his father. his father had been through a war and now he was entering a wartime presidency. >> my secret service showed up at my dorm room door. we needed to go where people would think we weren't. it was unclear who was a target at that time. we checked into this motel off the highway. i spoke with my mother midday. she had been at the capitol and he was rushed to a safe room with senator kennedy.
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>> our hearts and our prayers go out to the victims of this act of terrorism and our support goes to the rescue workers and all of our prayers are with everyone there right now. >> thank you. thank you. >> i remember looking at her and thinking, she knowing her world and this presidency is changed in this moment forever. >> he called me and he wanted to check on me and make sure i was okay, which is very him. he wanted to be strong and he shared with me because he felt like he was okay, but the nation was not. the nation was hurting and the nation was in shock. >> bush walks into ground zero with a tangle of emotions, seeing these firefighters there and he wants to lend support. >> think my brother totally
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understood the gravity of the moment and the power of the platform he had. >> we had not planned for president bush to speak, but standing in the rubble, he realized that he had to say something. >> the president came in front of me. i took his arm and i pulled him up on to the rig and i said you okay, mr. president? he said yes. i start to get down and he said no, no, you stay right here and he puts his arm around me. >> i want you all to know -- >> i could hardly hear myself. >> i can hear you! i can hear you. the rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.
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>> usa! usa! usa! >> unbelievable. it was really something. we needed something like that. the people needed that. that set them off and i was so proud to be up there with him. >> and may god bless america. >> i think george w. bush's presidency stars with 9/11. i think when you saw him out there on that pile of rubble, most americans said we are going to get behind him and we are going hope he leads us out of this. >> on my orders, the united states military has begun strikes against al qaeda terrorist training camps and military installations of the taliban regime in afghanistan. >> he was determined after 9/11 that he was going to find out who did it and strike quickly and strike with force.
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>> when i spoke to him the day after the attacks we discussed even in that initial call what we were going to do about al qaeda and how we managed to not just retaliate, but be in a position to protect our countries against further american people do so something but what? he knows they have to invade afghanistan and attack the taliban and find osama bin laden but that's easier said than done. >> the "bush years" family, duty power brought to you by united health care. go ahead, take advantage. appoin. how's wednesday at 2? i can't. dog agility. tuesday at 11? nope. robot cage match. how about the 28th at 3?
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when i called our troops in action, i did so with complete confidence in their courage and skill and tonight, thanks to them, we're winning the war on terror. >> for all of the horrors of september 11th, george w. bush is possessed of the notion things could have been that much worse than they were. >> the world's most dangerous regimes and their terrorist allies constitute an access of evil arming to threaten the peace of the world by seeking weapons of mass destruction. >> when he talked about the access of the evil, he named three countries. >> north korea is a regime arming with missiles. iran aggressively pursues these weapons and exports terror and iraq continues to flaunt hostility towards america.
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>> president bush named iraq as part of an evil his remarks drew heavy criticism internationally. >> why lump these three countries together? they are three different problems. to put them together is access of evil and use the word evil, i think did not serve us very well. >> george w. bush and his advisors including vice president dick china and secretary of defense donald rumsfeld began to focus on one target in particular, iraq. >> there are people around bush who believe regime change is necessary. george w bush didn't know a lot about foreign policy but among the things we did know, there was a bad actor out there and his name was saddam. >> he had the view if saddam would not change his ways, he would be removed from office and that was the guiding principle of his actions. >> all of a sudden, the
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president started this drum beat to get us into iraq providing the great agaenda we're going t reform man kind and end tierney in our world. >> advance of our freedom and achievement of our time and great hope of every time, now depends on us. >> there was a willing coninauguration of iraq's misdeeds and alibi da's misdeeds to a point that there were sizable chunks of the american electret who thought iraq was responsible for 9/11 and of course, they weren't. >> in the summer of 2002, there is unease within h.w.'s inner circle about the prospect of war. >> president h.w. bush's own national security advisor writes a piece for the "wall street journal" that says don't attack
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saddam. >> everybody reads that of course as scrowcoft speaking for both of them and the father come m communicating with the season. >> we know president george h.w. bush did talk to the soon and you know war is tough son. you got to do everything you can to avoid it but if the man won't go, you really have your choice. >> even w's own secretary of state has reservations. >> i was concerned about all the war drums that were beating and i said mr. president, you need to understand if we have to go to war, we'll get to baghdad and be successful but then what? i said, you know, if you break it, you own it. and if you suddenly own this country that has been under this kind of oppressive regime, it's not going to be easy. he said what should i do? >> take it to the u.n. >> get a peaceful resolution of this crisis.
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>> the history, the logic and the facts lead to one conclusion. saddam hussein's regime is a grave and gathering danger. >> the united nations resolution orders iraq to disclose and destroy any weapons of mass destruction. say dddam agrees to allow in weapons inspectors. >> the world wants assurances that there are no weapons of mass destruction in iran. >> one of the things we were very concerned about was rogue states and wmd, bugs, gas, nukes. the president asks how good is the intelligence on iraq and weapons of mass destruction and the director of the cia said it's a slam dunk, mr. president. it's a slam dunk. it doesn't get any harder than that or better than that.
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>> but by march in 2003, u.n. inspectors can find no evidence of weapons of mass destruction. the bush administration says they still believe they exist. >> on march the 19th, 2003 at 9:30 a.m., president bush consults with each of the commanders in the gulf. and he asks them two questions. are you ready and are you comfortable with this decision to go to war? and with that, the president says execute operation iraqi freedom. >> he gave a bit of a prayer at the very end of the meeting and then as we say in english show tim time. >> next on "the bush years". >> suthe world started to turn away from us. >> the free world must succeed in iraq.
8:00 pm
>> with katrina, iraq and the economic collapse, george w. bush was staggering out of the white house. >> tonight, i am suspending my campaign. >> is this the long good-bye of the bush family dynasty? ♪ get out of miller street. >> i am aware of the intense


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